Hiso No Kami
Go through this website if you'd like to commission me. Be aware there may be a queue but I'll let it be known on any delays on turnover. Please do not submit a form unless you have intent to pay, you may be prevented from getting a commission in the future.Upon commissioning me, I may decline a commission if it has excessive detail. But, in the event that I do decide to accept the commission, I will charge an additional X amount of USD for the amount of detail.Completion time for the commission can take between the time of a week to a month. Though it's depending on the commission, also as well as how many people who are in the queue for commissioning. Remember, communication is key!! So I'll be in regular contact throughout the time of the making for the commission.Over the process of the commission, there will be an update order of how it'll be completed. The updates will go as the following:Rough Sketch -> Clean Sketch -> Line Art - > Flat Color -> Shading -> Rendering Process.Each update must be acknowledged and approved by the commissioner before proceeding to the next stage. Please request any changes or alterations as early as possible. Major alteration requests made in the late stages will be charged an additional X amount of dollars.
Do's and Don'ts
Here are some of the Do's and Don't s I will not draw in my commissions!DON'TS
Highly Detailed Armor or Accessories
Heavy Gore
Highly Detailed Accessories
Highly Detailed Characters | Unless you accept to a price raise
Boys + Girls
Small Pets | Preferably in a Chibi style
Animal Features
Small Accessories
Med to Small Armor | Not too detailed
Original and Fan Characters
Official Characters from Media
Of course, communication between me and you is important! So talking with me before hand is always a good and recommended choice!
[$40 USD]
[$50 USD]FullBody
[$60 USD]
$25 USD
Full Sprite
$50 - $100 USD
Full Art Illustrations
$175 USD
[One character and BG]$250 USD
[More Characters + Background]
**Additional Backgrounds and CharactersThe price for these will be determined on the size, look, and amount you want for the characters and backgrounds.
Go to my contact info to talk to me there, we can discuss what kind of commission you want, prices and payment!